YL Fall Weekend @ Rockbridge
Oct 20-22
Going to camp
What to expect:
The best weekend of your life! Excellent friends, food, club, and adventure every single day! At Rockbridge Alum Springs, the resort-style camp atmosphere lets teens just be teens, relaxing and having adventures with their friends!
What special items to bring:
Close-toed, comfortable shoes, clothes and an extra pair of shoes that you can throw away, swimming suit, layers of clothes in case of cold weather, toiletries, and spending money for the camp store and snack bar.
Cost: $175
Summer Camp 2024: Rockbridge!
May 30th-June 4th
Going to camp
What to expect:
The best week of your life! Excellent friends, food, club, and adventure every single day! At Rockbridge Alum Springs, the resort-style camp atmosphere lets teens just be teens, relaxing and having adventures with their friends!
What special items to bring:
Close-toed, comfortable shoes, comfortable clothes, and an extra pair of shoes that you can throw away, swimming suit, toiletries, and spending money for the camp store and snack bar.